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Is Your Customer Experience “Five Star”?

If you were to send your current customers a survey with just the line, “from one to five stars, how would you rate the experience you have with our brand?” Are you confident the majority, if not all, would come back with five stars?

If you can’t answer yes to that question, it’s time to look at your customer experience. Customer experience is a mix of customer service, customer care and the customer journey, and it needs constant supervision. It’s not enough to “train and forget” customer service. Are you offering refresher sessions, new product knowledge as your line expands and personal development opportunities? Are you viewing the store as a customer goes through the experience to see what they are seeing? Are you “really” looking at what happens daily or just assuming all is going as you “planned”? Are you out meeting your customers, building relationships, and modeling that behaviour for your team?

Customer experience is what over 80% of consumers now believe is the most essential part of a transaction. Gone are the days when it is strictly a transaction that they will keep coming back for.

What are you doing to earn that customer loyalty? It has value and is, in actuality, one of the most valuable things to your business. Take a hard look at the entire customer journey and see if you exceed their expectations at every step. Meeting expectations just isn’t enough anymore. Does your team live the same values when dealing with your customers? Now is the time to put customer service excellence back into your customer experience and let the customer feel how much you value them.

I would love to hear what you are doing in your business, and if I can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I love to spread magical customer experiences.

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